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Laser Diode, Photo Diode, DBR, SLD, VCSEL , Optoelectronics

Who We Are

We are an energetic team who are Industry oriented end to end solution technical representatives with a mission to empower our Indian customers with cutting edge technologies to cater challenging and emerging fields such as Photonics, Fuel Cell, Test & Measurements, EV Battery solutions, Sensing Technology, Industry 4.0,  focused on modern reliability engineering, technical and measurement solutions.

Our Core Disciplines

FBG Sensor, Laser Diode, Photodiode, Optical Fiber, WDM, DWDM, Infrared Camera, Hyperspectral Camera, Quantum Efficiency Measurement System 

advance technology through light
Fuel cell

PEM Fuel Cell with Balance of Plant, DC-DC converter, Regulator, Carbon fiber cylinder and other accessories

Battery Tester Neware

Battery Tester

Li-Ion Battery Modeling and Simulation

Lockin Amplifier, Impedance Analyzer

Smart Layer Sensor

Blast Gauge

Wireless sensors & Data loggers

Lockin Amplifier

PVDF Sensors, d33 meter

Energy Harvester, Temperature Chamber

Ferroelectric Loop

Strain gauge and Data logger


Advanced Materials

Carbon fiber, Quartz Fabric, Nano-materials (graphene, CNT), Rare-Earth-doped material, Optical & Semiconductor materials

Advanced Materials

Our Principals

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