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Optical Window

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Curved Windows

Our OEM offers a range of curved windows, including plano-concave and plano-convex configurations. These windows are crafted from high-quality materials like BK7 glass and UV-grade fused silica.
Each window undergoes rigorous polishing to achieve exceptional surface quality.

We provide a variety of standard substrates with varying concave/ convex curvature radii to meet your specific optical needs.

Elliptical Windows

Elliptical flat mirrors bend light at precise angles with minimum wave distortion due to elongated major axis. Precision 45-degree mirrors are ideal for technical and astronomical applications.

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Flat Round / Flat Rectangular Windows

The usage of flat windows allows optical radiation to pass from one environment to another, without mixing other components of these environments.

Flat round/rectangular Windows fabricated from N-BK7, UV Fused Silica (UVFS), Sapphire, Calcium Fluoride, Magnesium Fluoride, Potassium Bromide, Infrasil, Zinc etc…

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